Friday, April 4, 2008

Lyric Analysis

War has affected many people and many lives have been lost. Metallica's song “One” (1998) has shown the world how this happens and how horrible it is. I chose these lyrics because they are towards what the war can do to you and how you can get hurt. I also chose these lyrics because they connect to me, society, the band, and the time it was made.

I can connect to the lyrics by saying that my life isn't perfect and I need help with things. “God help me” is one of the lines in the chorus of the song. “Darkness, imprisoning me, all that I see, absolute horror” I can relate to these lyrics because I can get sad or lonely often so I feel darkness and I see horror or anger depending on the thing that made me sad or angry.

I also think this relates to society because there is so much violence and war in the world and as it grows bigger it starts to hurt more people and our country. As it says in these lyrics “landmine, has taken my sight, taken my hearing, taken my arms, taken my legs, taken my soul, left with me a life in hell!” it shows how you get hurt. “I can’t remember anything, can’t tell if this is true or dream, deep down inside I feel to scream, this terrible silence stops me!” Society is also affected by the loved ones that have been sent into the war to protect their country and their fellow army men. One also shows that even though most of the soldiers come back home others may die or get seriously injured.

The song also connects to the band because the bassist Cliff Burton was killed in a tour bus accident (1986) two years before the song was made. After that their songs became more dark and sad. The band hired another bassist and they still go on but everyone will not forget his tragic death.

I also can connect this song to the time it was made. “Now that the war is through with me” those words can remind us of all the wars that have gone on. One was made in 1998 which was a year that one of the Iraq wars stopped. One is based off of World War I. It reminds us of the multiple things that happened in the war and how we needed to protect our country. We all needed to fight or die and with One’s lyrics it shows what happens if you don’t.

I think I have gained something from doing these lyrics in my analysis. I have learned that some of Metallica’s lyrics have a deep meaning and are not just made for fun. This will kinda’ change the way I listen to music. Now when I listen I might catch a meaning.